Redhead Locals

Me décrire? Que pourrai-je dire sur moi... Bien avant tout, que je suis une femme simple, aimant la nature, les sorties ( cinéma, restos, excursions en forêt, la pêche, de bons soupers entre amis, la marche, et plus...) J’aimerai trouver celui qui...

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I'm 36 and have 2 kids :) I love being outside in nature and love the feeling when you have something on the end of your line :) hoping to just meet new people and see where it goes.

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romanticna, duhovita,volim putovanja, more,Zlatibor,zivotinje,cvece,umetnost,dobre vibracije i pozitivne ljude

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une personne qui na pas peur de defendre ceux qu'elle aiment

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It's really hard to describe me, I'm just me, and I don't claim to be anything but me you just have to know me , or take the time to actually get to know me I leave quite an impression

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Vesela, vitalna i pozitivna osoba. Igram u folkloru i tu punim bateriju i dusu. Verujem da se sve događa sa razlogom i u pravo vreme. Postujem druge a najviše sebe. Želim da upoznam kvalitetnu osobu. Iskrenu i sa nivoom. Ne tražim puno, osim...

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Wanting to find someone who is an animal lover too, plus a good sense of humor. Someone that can be sweet and sensitive but yet strong. Trust is very important too me. I'm an Empath as well. I Love all kinds of music, except Rap, Techno and modern...

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Veselá, inteligentní žena, mám ráda život, přilepšit, soolečnost. Hledám muže podobných vlastností, inteligentního, veselého, vě věku 68 - 74r.

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Vdova,která cítí samotu a přitom se chce radovat a smát.Nemohu odpovídat,členství pouze zákládní.

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