Military Locals

Обожаю рэп ,занимаюсь спортом ,служу в армии ,на позитиве )

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I’m caring loving giving I have a 2019 Canam Spyder It’s a Trike I love going to church movies holding hands and showing affection in public I Just Celebrated 18yrs 5 Mos Clean and Sober Today

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Lovely person

Idade 47 De Piet Retief, South Africa

Homem Procurando um Mulher

Relacionado: Asian Military

If you need to go,I'll be there to go with you

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Caring honest and romantic

Idade 58 De Liverpool, United Kingdom

Homem Procurando um Mulher

Relacionado: Christian Military Religious Widower

I’m in the army have been for the last 35 years

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I am humble 😌 🙂 sky is the limit to be the best of your self get someone on the same level as you and everything. Well be unstoppable

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Navy veteran looking for a partner in crime to help me adjust to this strange new world

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Mlad momak za intimno druženje javi se da se upustimo u razonodu

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La vie est un long fleuve parfois parsemé d'embûches dont j'aimerais découvrir tous les contours avec une femme tendre , aimante cultivant les vraies termes du mot Aimer . J'aimerais marcher main dans la main avec elle pour découvrir toutes les...

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I am an introvert but can hold a conversation with the right woman when its one on one ,I am on disability fixed income ,I am laid back and do all my shopping online im a diabetic type two don't like the outside much at all no more I prefer staying...

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